Wednesday Confessions

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

So it's Wednesday. And I have about 1,000 things I should be doing, so of course I'm going to blog instead. Some of these confessions were overdue anyway.

-I started actually using my twitter and I have a terrible feeling that there's no going back. 
-I've had more Dr. Pepper in the past few weeks than I care to admit. Just know that it's a lot.
-I definitely haven't gone running at all since the end of January. It's kind of a big problem.
-I am currently obsessed with the Civil Wars. I've literally been listening to them nonstop for the past 3 weeks. Lauren calls it hipster cowboy music, but I don't even care cause it's SO GOOD.
-So I was filming a project for one of my classes today and who should walk into the shot but Tyler Haws. And I totally kept recording until he was gone because I'm CREEPY.
-I am majorly dying for a Macey's ice-cream cone. As in I was dreaming about them last night I want one so bad. Unfortunately, ain't nobody got time fo' dat.  
-I have this problem called I overbook myself until I start stress crying. It will be a real live miracle if I make it to next week.
-I've been surviving on food from vending machines for the past week and a half (don't tell my Mom).
-I looked up tickets to Cardiff the other day and almost cried because I'm waaaaaaaaay too poor to afford that and I just want to go back right now.
-It's been gorgeous and sunny the past few days and all I want to do is cancel my life and take a nap outside.

Happy Wednesday!

Love, Brontë

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