Wednesday Confessions (On a Sunday......Again)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

So I keep forgetting to post these on Wednesday, so I'm posting it today. It's fine.

-I have a weakness for $5.00 movies. Pretty much every time I go to Walmart I come home with whatever I meant to buy and a new movie. Also, now that I'm a film major I feel completely justified. So there.
-I'm slowly but surely turning into a soccer fan. One of my co-workers was explaining the World Cup to me a few weeks ago, so I ended up watching the USA vs. Ghana game and I was hooked. Soccer guys. I've been converted.
-I've gone to the movies by myself twice in the past three weeks. I would highly recommend it.
-With all my extra free time, my Pinterest addiction is coming back in full force. The thing about Pinterest is that I always feel so productive, even though all I've done is click through pictures for three hours. Someone help!
-I had a Tinder for a total of 3 days before I couldn't stand it anymore. (Look for a post on that later).
-I have this strange burning desire to visit/live in Maine. I know next to nothing about Maine. Except that it's by the ocean.
-I watched four TED Talks in a row the other day. So there's that.
-I went to H&M and Forever 21 three times this week. But guys, everything is on sale.
-Instead of missionary farewells I'm starting to go to homecomings, but it feels like just yesterday that I said goodbye to them. Also I don't feel old enough for this.

And now for a bit of shameless self-promotion:

I was the production designer for this short film and it turned out really well! Feel free to check it out:

Love, Brontë

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