Wednesday Confessions

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Remember when I used to do these? I actually had a lot of fun with them so I decided to bring them back.

So here we are:

-I'm kind of afraid of the dark. A lot of this is due to my overactive imagination and several scary movies I should not have watched. On my study abroad, we had these huge windows in our kitchen that freaked me out at night, so I would always take a butcher knife with me when I used the downstairs bathroom. And yes, I was thoroughly and mercilessly mocked for it. But hey, it made me feel safe.
-I am a big procrasticleaner. If I have a lot of homework or a big project to work on I'll put it off by cleaning my room or the apartment, or deep cleaning the bathroom. Cleaning is a huge stress reliever for me. Plus, if my space is clean, I focus better on my school work.
-I'm kind of obsessed with the mountains right now. I'm lucky enough to have a spectacular view of them as I walk home from school every day, and every evening they literally take my breath away. In the words of Anne Shirley "Isn't it wonderful to live in a world where there are Octobers?" Yes Anne, I would submit that it is indeed.
-Much to my chagrin, I have fulfilled the college student stereotype of eating Ramen Noodles twice in one day. I'm pretty ashamed. But sometimes you're just broke and Ramen is all you have left. It's a hard life.
-I miss Wales more than I ever thought I would. I definitely left a piece of myself there, and some days it's really hard to wake up and realize that I'm not there anymore.

Well that's all for today folks! Happy Wednesday.

Love, Brontë

P.S. Look for a Study Abroad post coming soon! I promise I'm trying to catch up.

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