Remember That Time I Used to Blog? Yeah, Me Too......

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Oh hey there. It's been a while.
So I definitely started off the semester with every intention of blogging at least twice a month. Yeah........ We all know how that went down. But here's to trying again, right? Plus it's almost the New Year, which is the perfect time to make goals about things like blogging and exercise (both of which are on my list of resolutions) so I thought I'd get a head start on at least one of my resolutions (what? No procrastinating? I know I'm shocked too) and do a brief recap of Fall Semester 2013. I mean, since the beginning of October, anyway.... (Has it really been that long?? Oops....)

I spent most of October working on my application to the Media Arts (film) program at BYU. Plenty of blood, sweat and tears went into that application, let me tell you. I was a nasty ball of stress and grumpiness for most of that month, so this is sort of a public apology to my roommates who had to live with me during that time because I was a mess. They're all pretty much awesome though and they still wanted to be friends with me afterwards which means that they're just great people, because I didn't even want to be friends with me during that month. BUT *spoiler alert* it all paid off because I GOT ACCEPTED!!! (Story later).

Here's the short film I made for my application:

(Shout out to Topher and Kristen who were my awesome actors, and to Colton, Nicole, Jared, Mike, Lauren and Libby who came to be extras. You guys are great!)

A good portion of my November was spent working on a capstone musical film called Lovestruck! Almost every Saturday in November I was on set for 15+ hours. It was exhausting, but I loved it! (Other than scrubbing paint off the street ant 12:30 at night). So far it looks like I've chosen the right major (talk to me in two years when I graduate and we'll see if that's still true). But it was a really great experience and I made a lot of new friends so it was definitely worth it. Also, I started watching The Walking Dead which is horrific and terrifying and addicting. Thanks to that show I now have a Zombie Apocalypse Plan, which is something everyone should have, in my personal opinion.

December has been a crazy month for a multitude of reasons, most of them snow and Finals and Final Projects. Also Christmas happened, and all of the craziness and fun that comes with it.
My best Christmas present came December 20th, in the Costco parking lot. I was doing some Christmas shopping with my mom and I happened to pull out my phone see an email notification. I nearly threw up because the subject line said: Media Arts Application. I almost didn't want to open it but I knew I had to, so I opened it and the first thing I saw was Congratulations! after which I screamed and dropped my phone. I was screaming and jumping up and down and once my Mom realized what I was so excited about she started screaming and jumping up and down, and we were hugging and making a spectacle of ourselves, but honestly we didn't care. Because Hooray! Now my life has a direction and I can make more solid life plans instead of only planning it three days at a time. So it was pretty much the best news ever, and I couldn't be more happy and blessed. Also, I seriously can't wait to start next semester, which is weird because I usually hate Winter semester. But I have a feeling it's going to be a good one.

Anyway, that's the Reader's Digest Edition of the The Life of Brontë. Next will be the Reader's Digest of the entire year! (Don't look too excited)

Love, Brontë

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