Wednesday Confessions (on a Sunday)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

So I know it's Sunday and I usually reserve confession posts for Wednesday, but I just had too many to wait. And by too many I mean how ever many I end up writing in this post. Plus a confession post is kind of overdue, right? 

So here we are:

-I am ridiculously addicted to Pepperoni Pizza. I had it four times last week. In fact, yesterday I bought myself a whole pizza and ate almost half of it in one sitting, plus an entire bag of crazy bread. Can'tstopwon'tstop.
-I have gotten incredibly proficient at doing homework in my bed. I always start at my desk, and then about an hour in I move to my bed. Miraculously I still get stuff done. So now my motivation to go to the library is less than zero.
-I watched the final episode of Sherlock season 3 before I saw the other two. Actually, the last episode is still the only one of this series that I've seen. Chronology is overrated anyway, right? It was really fun to watch it though because they shoot it in Cardiff where I lived during my study abroad, and I actually saw them filming some scenes while I was there. Also, that episode was just amazing. (Did you miss me?)
-I have five unpublished study abroad posts hanging out in my drafts folder at the moment that I've been meaning to get around to for months. I would promise to write them as soon as possible, but I try not to make promises that I don't intend to keep, so we'll see if they every get written. Stay posted.
-I get incredibly nervous every time I make a comment or have to present in class. As in the heart-pounding, trembling kind. You would think that with all the acting classes I've taken, and all the talks I've had to give in church that it would be gone by now. But no, talking in front of a big group of people still turns me into a nervous wreck.
-This semester might actually kill me. It is by far the most labor intensive semester I've had since I started college. Good thing I absolutely LOVE what I'm doing. I'm learning that I actually thrive when I'm really busy, it keeps me organized and on top of things in a way that I never am if I don't have too much going on. So hopefully I survive to see my 21st birthday. Keep your fingers crossed.
-I read a lot of obituaries for my job, and I actually weirdly enjoy it. It's not as depressing as you would think, I promise. Sometimes it is incredibly sad, but usually it's really quite interesting. Some people have lived such amazing lives, and I love being able to read about them. It has also given me a really interesting perspective on life and death. I could write an entire post about it (maybe I will). My advice, pick up a newspaper sometimes and read a few obituaries. Just do it.
-Sometimes I'm too lazy (or busy) to do laundry, so when I run out of clean socks and underwear I just go buy more. Not very financially practical, but generally more time saving. Let's just say I own a lot of socks.

Happy Sunday!

Love, Brontë 

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