Once Upon a Time I Sold My Soul to the Film Program

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Well, the title pretty much says it all. I don't think I've ever been busier in my entire life. Good think I absolutely LOVE what I'm doing. I feel like the luckiest person in the world, I get up every day and go to school to learn about my passion. What could be better? (Except maybe laying on the couch watching the Olympics, which is ALL I wanted to do today).

Things I've Learned While Being Insanely Busy:
-The social life is the first to go. I haven't seen most of my friends in about 3 weeks (sorry guys) and sometimes my roommates wonder if I even exist.
-Six toaster waffles is a perfectly acceptable dinner.
-Crossing things off my mile long to do list is the highlight of my day. (Yes, I know this is pathetic).
-I'm considering cancelling my Netflix because I barley use it anymore. (Shocking, I know).
-Watching the Olympics totally counts as an FHE activity. 
-Ponytails are my best friend. I bless the name of whoever invented them.
-Running is still the greatest stress reliever out there.

Thank you and good night.

Love, Brontë

P.S. I still love Shaun White. That's all.  

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