Livin' La Vida Loca

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Oh hey there. Miss me? I apologize for my somewhat extended absence from the blogging world, my computer decided it wanted an $80 repair a few weeks ago, so blogging kind of took a backseat for a little while. But I'm back! And I have lots to write about so get excited.

Contrary to popular belief, life doesn't just stop when your computer dies. In fact, it becomes 10 times crazier than before. (Who would have thought?) Here are a few things that happened while my computer was on vacation (mostly in instagrams because that's how I document my life sans computer):

I bought a dead rabbit online. I can honestly and truthfully say that is the strangest thing I've done all year. Just for clarification: I'm the prop master for a film called On A High Arid Plain (I vaguely remember begging for money for our kickstarter in my last post) which is about a cowboy and anyway, there is one scene where he finds a half-mauled jackrabbit in a snare. So my job was to find a realistic looking dead rabbit that we could use for that. I'll spare you the details, but we found one and it just so happened to arrive at my apartment this afternoon:

I'm still to afraid to open it. Plus there's a questionable stain toward the bottom right corner.... Yikes.

I saw A Man For All Seasons at BYU. Sometimes I take myself on dates just to have some alone time doing something I enjoy. This was one of those times, and can I just say that it was FANTASTIC. If you like Theatre at all, I highly, 100% recommend you go see this. It's a great (albeit sad) story and the acting is spectacular. They have one week left of performances so get your tickets fast!

We found my missing Grandpa. My grandpa has Alzheimer's, and a couple weekends ago he decided to go for a walk.... And didn't come back. Naturally, this was pretty scary for our family and we had teams of people searching for him (at one point I believe a helicopter was involved). Thankfully thankfully he was found, a whopping 8 miles away from his assisted living facility. (He's pretty fit for his age). We are definitely grateful to have found him safe and sound, and we had a nice little impromptu family reunion, although hopefully next time it's sans emergency.

My friend became a Champion. My friend Lynnsay has always been an incredible dancer, and so I was really excited when she invited Lauren and I to watch her compete in the DanceSport National Amateur Smooth Championships. A few things about Lynnsay: She is one of the strongest and bravest people I know. With everything she has gone through, she has managed to also be one of my happiest and most cheerful friends. She is a beautiful person inside and out and I am so blessed to be her friend. In all honesty, Lynnsay already was a champion, now she's just got the trophy to prove it.

TMA 112 officially became my favorite class. First of all, can we just talk about how cool it is that I have a class called Creativity, Research and Visualization? Sometimes I really pity people who have to take O-Chem. Anyway, this class is the coolest because we get to do a ton of creative projects ranging from writing a historical script to a full-on DJ sound battle. Which brings me to last Friday. The project was called the Webspinna Battle, and the idea was that you and a partner each make a persona (generally the opposite or conflicting with your partner's persona) and have a battle with music and sounds you find on the internet, which you performed in front of the class, in costume. (Bet you all want to change majors now.) Anyway, Friday night was the night of the performance, and it was also basically a class party. There was food and music and it was really fun to see everyone out of the context of class. Several of my classmates showcased some incredible hidden talents. And the performances were stellar. I was kind of disappointed that my partner and I didn't get to perform (she's stage managing Pride & Prejudice and couldn't be there) but it was fun to be there and see all the other performances. Plus this picture happened:

It was a pretty great night. (Also here's the link to my blog for that class if you want to check  it out:

Kristen and I celebrated Pi Day. Even though we don't love math (that much) we loooooooove pie. So there was no way we were going to miss an opportunity to eat it. Best part: it was frozen so all we had to do was heat it up. (Granted, it took like 2 hours, but totally worth it). Can't go wrong with good friends, berry pie and vanilla ice-cream.

Friends that eat together stay together.

I did my laundry. This totally deserves a shout out, because it doesn't happen that often. I always play this game with myself to see how long I can go without doing laundry. The record is a month. Don't ask.

So there you have the highlights of my month away from blogging. Also: major changes coming soon to this blog (if you even care), so stay posted! (Blog pun, everyone).

Love, Brontë

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