Things I Should Have Blogged About But Didn't

Friday, November 7, 2014

There has been a sad lack of blogging in my life this semester. It's not that I haven't had things to write about, it's just that every time I sat down to start blogging a thousand distractions happened and the next thing I knew, I was going on my 5th episode of Parks & Rec. 

Basically, this is an obligatory catch up post with a sort-of promise to do better. So, in no particular order.......

Things I Should Have Blogged About But Didn't: 

- I moved! Okay, so it was only across the street from where I used to live, but it's still a life change. I decided that I'm going to move every school year for the rest of my college career. I love starting fresh, new apartment, new roommates, new ward new streets to explore, you get the idea. Plus, if I end up hating where I am I know it won't be forever. Also my new apartment has pink carpet. I dare you to beat that.

- School started. I should have written a first day of school post but in all honesty, I forgot until it was way to late for a start-of-the-school-year blog post (i.e. the middle of October). But in case you were wondering, school started and it's great.

- I went to a free Neon Trees concert. It was amazing. It would have made for a great look-how-cool-my-life-is blog post, but alas, I dropped the ball. However, please enjoy these pictures I thieved from Kristen's Facebook.

Why yes, we were in fact close enough to get this picture. 

Taking the best friends thing to a whole new level.
- The Walking Dead is now back on TV. I may still write a post about this.

- I was the Production Designer for a capstone film. That sentence is actually probably why none of the above was blogged about. There definitely will be a blog post on that in the near future.

- People in my family had birthdays. In a perfect world I would do a post for all my family members on their birthday. But since it's not a perfect world, that didn't happen. Maybe next year?

- I now own 4 pairs of black leggings. If that's not worthy of a blog post, I don't know what is.

- I discovered that Free Bagel Friday happens at the corner store next to my apartment. This is a game changer, and probably the greatest discovery I've ever made, apart from Netflix, leggings and Slab Pizza.

- Taylor Swift continues to rock my socks. I just want to be best friends with her. And Emma Stone. Remember when T-Swift Tuesday was a thing? It's making a comeback people.

Anyway, I'm going to make a kind of promise to be better at blogging. Or at least I'll try.

Happy Friday!

Love, Brontë

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