Wednesday Confessions

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Nothing like starting a post with an awkward selfie (I still hate that word). It's mostly just to illustrate my embarrassingly unintentional hipster outfit today.  Don't worry, there's an explanation.

- I woke up late this morning and didn't have time to wash my hair. Hence the hat. Also my eyes were hurting too much to put contacts in so.... Glasses. Apparently I looked different enough for 4 people to comment on it.
-I finished season 6 of Parks & Rec and now I don't know what to do with my life.
-I cried several times during Interstellar, and it was mostly because I just really love outer space.
-I was recently introduced to the concept of man buns and my life will never be the same. I LOVE them.

I mean really, where has this been all my life?! 
Happy Wednesday!

Love, Brontë

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